Such a funny little hero....

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sunday Bloody Sunday

So, I need to pick an NFL team to root for. If not, I'm going to become a football widow on Sundays. My guy is quite the football enthusiast. He lives in Texas. It's mandatory. (In Texas, they issue you your lifetime membership card to the Dallas Cowboys fan club at birth.) Now, I didn't grow up watching football. My dad had no interest in sports. My brothers watched it, but by the time they were old enough to exert their control over the TV, I was moved out of the house. I had no football-crazed boyfriends and my ex-husband wasn't really into football either. So, this is a whole new world for me. I had a VERY basic knowledge of football. And by "very basic", I mean that I knew what a touchdown was. So, my boyfriend is educating me. And he's been surprisingly patient with my stupid questions.

Me: "Baby, what's a receiver?"
Him: "Well baby, that's the guy that RECEIVES the ball when the quarterback throws it."
Me: "Oh!"

That's not really what he said, BTW. I'm sure it was much more technical than that, but he has been really sweet! (Although I think I caught an eye-roll last Sunday!)

So, he thinks it will be more fun for me if I have a team to cheer for. Sounds reasonable to me. So many teams to choose from! Do I pick the Bengals because I'm from Ohio? Do I pick the Bills because that's his favorite team? (nah. No friendly rivalry if I do that.) Do I pick the Steelers because my brother Kevin will kill me if I root for any other team? The Miami Dolphins because my sister-in-law is a rabid Dolphins fan? (He's vetoed that one) Do I pick Tampa Bay because I think Jon Gruden is dreamy? Or do I go with the Cowboys, because they were my brother Jason's favorite team. Even as little boys, Kevin liked the Steelers and Jason the Cowboys. Check out their PJ's in this pic. Haha

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So, that's my major life decision for the week!

posted by Kimberly @ 10:49 PM  3 Comments

Saturday, October 21, 2006


This may seem weird to some, but not for the people that actually know me…

Congratulations to my ex-husband and his new wife on their marriage today. He's always been a great guy and I wish him every happiness in his new life.

Congratulations Boo and Jessica! May your first child be a masculine child.

posted by Kimberly @ 10:46 PM  0 Comments