Indy! Say it isn't so!!!
Well, it didn't really come as a shock, but Jimmy Kimmel has retaliated to Sarah Silverman's "I'm fucking Matt Damon" video. I will have to say, that it's pretty damned funny, tho.
Here's the video. My thoughts are posted BELOW the video. Don't read ahead boys and girls! You'll only be cheating yourself!
First of all, kudos to Ben Affleck for wearing a spandex shirt that I couldn't imagine a gay man being caught dead in.
Brad Pitt cameo as the Fed Ex guy. Even with the scruff, SO cute. Is it weird that I can't look at brad without thinking about how lucky HE is to be sleeping with Angelina Jolie? I mean, DAYUM!! You know a woman is hot when I'm thinking that Brad is the lucky one. haha
The "We are the World" take-off. It was nice to see Joan Jett again. Not so nice to see Macy Gray. I was really hoping that she was in a crack house somewhere. Okay, that may have been too harsh, but I really can't stand her voice. Blah.
I LOVED seeing Huey Lewis again. I guess the benefit to him ALWAYS looking kinda old is that he looks exactly the same as he did when I fell in love with him when I was 14. I loved Huey so much that I actually sat through that horrendous movie he did with Gwenyth Paltrow a few years ago. AND I listened to their remake of "Cruisin'" like a MILLION times. Yeah, I had it bad. haha
My first "Holy Shit" moment came when Josh Groban appeared. To hear my Joshy singing "He's fucking Ben Affleck" in his classically trained tenor... I almost fell off the couch! It was hilarious!
Second "Holy Shit" moment... Harrison Ford blowing Ben and Jimmy a kiss! I mean, it's been freaky enough to see the Indiana Jones of my youth going around sporting a goofy earring and dating Ally McBeal, but Damn!!! Second time I almost fell off the couch laughing.
Over all, I thought it was awesome. I still prefer seeing Matt Damon growling "on the bed, on the floor, on a towel by the door", but this video really made me laugh. Hope you guys enjoyed it, too. Would love to hear your thoughts!

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