Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
After a month of problems with my laptop, it's finally up and running! (Thank you, Reid!!!! You are my knight in white satin armor! haha) It's a great feeling. Familiar and comforting. It's a little bit like coming home. A home that has been robbed of all of my furniture and personal belongings, that is.
My hard drive died, you see, and even though I was married to a computer guru for a 100 years, it apparently never quite sunk in that I should BACK UP MY HARD DRIVE!!!!! So, all of the programs I used daily... gone. All of the music that I copied into Windows Media Player, and then sold or gave away the Cd's.... gone. All of the pictures of my friends and family from the past couple of years... gone. All of the videos Reid sent of him playing his guitar and singing for me, when we lived 1000 miles apart... gone. Yeah, you get the idea and yeah, I'm a little sad about all of that.
Oh well. I'm not going to dwell on it. Instead, I'm going to be appreciative of the fact that it could be fixed. Even though it has to be the heaviest laptop that's been manufactured in the last 10 years, it's been pretty good to me. I have very fond memories of the words I read on this screen, as well as the words that I typed on this keyboard. I came to the scariest and most wonderful realization of my life on this computer.
Thank you, my love. Not only for fixing my computer, but for loving me, and making me happier than I ever thought possible.
Time to get busy making new memories.

I'll gladly take care of backing up the 2.0 edition of your laptop, love. And I'll also help with making the new memories, as well.
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