Uhmmm I think the Universe is messing with me!!!

Okay, today I posted my myspace status as "Kimberly is watching "Rockford Files". James Garner was so dreamy. :)".

I've always had the hots for him, even though he's an older man. He's the definition of "ruggedly handsome".
So, two hours after I posted my status, I'm flipping channels and run across the show "8 Simple Rules" on ABC Family channel. I stop because I've always been a John Ritter fan, and I haven't watched the show since he died 5 years ago. (I haven't watched Three's Company either. It just makes me too sad.)
So anyway, the commercial ends and it opens in the family's kitchen. The doors opens and in walks James Garner. An 80 year old James Garner. A BALD James Garner. A GRANDFATHERLY James Garner. *shiver* I was like "WTF?!" I mean, it makes sense that he's an old man by now, but I just didn't need to see it so soon after I'd been lusting after him today!
Oh, and his scene? haha The family is coming back from one of the kids' plays and he says, "Well, that was worth missing 'Rockford Files' for." LOL

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