Such a funny little hero....

Monday, March 20, 2006

Damn, I'm a dork.

I don't usually take these goofy quizzes, but I couldn't pass this one up. I LOVED Calvin and Hobbes, and curse Bill Watterson everytime I pick up the comics page from the Sunday paper.

Almost All Calvin

You are 90% Calvin and 10% Hobbes
While Calvin-ness predominates within you, there are still traces of sensibility, kindness, and reason in there, too. Your Calvinesque side makes you adventurous and lively, and you temper that with Hobbesian good-sense, most of the time. It's a good combination. Look how cute you are with the little tail and stuff.

Woohoo! I'm Calvin! One of my favorite C&H strips EVER was the one where Calvin asked his dad what a control freak was. His dad replies, "That's what lazy slip-shod workers call anyone who cares enough to get things done." Calvin says, "Am I in the presence of their King? Should I kneel?" bwahahahahahahaha Damn, I miss it!

posted by Kimberly @ 2:46 PM  3 Comments