Kathleen Turner. I'm sitting here watching "Peggy Sue Got Married", I haven't seen this movie for years. It's quite coincidental, because a friend and I were just discussing her yesterday.
So anyway... am I the only one that finds it more than a little scary that she went from this beautiful, sultry-voiced sex rabbit (hehe anyone remember Jessica Rabbit? "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way") to playing Chandler Bing's drag queen father on "Friends." And.. do you think they had her in mind when they wrote that part? Can you even imagine her agent calling her with that bit of news?!
Agent: "Uhmmm.. Kathleen.. I've got great news! They want you for a role on "Friends"! You know it's the #1 comedy in prime time!"
Kathleen: "Oh, that's great! Who do they want me to play? Rachel's new boss at Ralph Lauren? Joey's new SOMEwhat older love interest?"
Agent: "Uhmmm..... well, not exactly."
Kathleen: "Okaaaay... don't tell me that they want me to play someone's MOTHER!"
Agent: "Uhmmm... well, not exactly."
Kathleen: "Carol's new lesbian lover? Just tell me!"
Agent: "They want you to play Chandler's dad."
Kathleen: "What?! I couldn't hear you."
Agent: "They want you to play Chandler's dad."
Kathleen: "Chandler's DAD?!!!!!!" (Click)
Okay.. that was a little more drawn out that I imagined it to be.. but that Kathleen is kinda full of herself! So, obviously she reconsidered... and did an awesome job. Apparently she had the voice of a drag queen all along! Who woulda thunk it?!
Just a little footnote here... I'm heavily medicated at the moment. I'm home sick w/ a cold. So please excuse my pointless rambling!

Yeah, it's amazing how fine a line there is between incredibly sexy voice, and 80-year old chain-smoking Jewish grandmother.
Remember kids, whisky and nicotine are not food groups.
Whiskey? Not a food group?! And here I thought it was made out of grain.... hmmmmm Sounds like a health food to me!
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